Tuesday, August 7, 2012

20 habits toward happiness

Having so much free time over summer has really changed the way I live. Too much time can be a curse, pushing you into indulging in long naps, eating out of boredom, and complaints and desire of school to start up again. Here is what I have discovered to cure this madness! These small things I will continue to do daily keeps the heart healthy and the mind happy. Enjoy! =]

1. Wake early.
 Starting your day early and refreshed makes the difference in how you start your day.

2. Exercise!
Twenty minutes a day is all you need.

3. Review/rewrite your goals.
Keeping in touch with what you want in life (short or long-term) is vital to achieving them! Keep your eye on the prize.

4. Read/Listen to something inspirational.
Whether is it a quote or an audio book, there are a lot of wonderful people out there that have some pretty fantastic things to say.

5. Visualise the day ahead.
Take a few minutes to close your eyes and picture yourself doing the things you want to do.

6. Write a "to do" list.
You will really be amazed at what you actually get done.

7. Check the news.
Or, at least the headlines! It is important to keep in touch of what is happening in your community.

8. Take a multivitamin.
Everyone could use that extra boost, and this is a great way to be sure that you are getting everything your beautiful body needs.

9. Tidy up.
A cluttered space does not fuel a creative mind. Keeping things clean will keep you feeling refreshed!

10. Take time to look good.
Not only will you feel beautiful, but we live in a visual world- impressions are important. Take the five extra minutes each morning and focus on yourself.

11. Connect with nature.
At some point in your day you should cross paths with the wonderful earth. Whether that means walking to work, opening up a window and looking at that tree out there, please, notice it just a bit.

12. Blog!
Express yourself and let the world see! (even if no one reads your blog, lol)

13. Snack well.

14. Contact a friend.
Take a second to stay in touch!

15. Save your $.
At least 15% of your paycheck, if not MORE! You will be grateful later.

16. Set aside family time.

17. Floss!
Flossing can actually add six years onto your life.

18. Wind down and relax.
If that means television, indulge!!! (Your max should be an hour...)

19. Read and write.
We read all day everyday- signs, advertisements, paperwork. Take some "me" time and read something you truly enjoy.

last but most definitely not least....

20. Say I love you to all who you do. (:
